Cara Delevingne, Chrissy Teigen, Kendall Jenner und Co. machen es vor – die Netz-Gemeinde macht’s nach. Bilder von jungen Frauen in „altbackener“ Wäsche erobern unter dem Hashtag „GrannyPanties“ derzeit das World Wide Web.

city slumber party in #MyCalvins 🍎

Ein von Kendall Jenner (@kendalljenner) gepostetes Foto am

morning! just going to hang out in #MyCalvins alllll day! … thank you @calvinklein for my little gifts ☺️😘

Ein von Kendall Jenner (@kendalljenner) gepostetes Foto am


Egal ob bequeme Designer-Panty oder No-Name-Baumwoll-Schlüpfer: Der Trend hin zu mehr Tragekomfort und weg von kneifender Reizwäsche stößt auf jede Menge virtuellen Applaus.



I’ve had these spots for like 6+ years 😠😱 #grannypanties

Ein von @theycallmestoner gepostetes Foto am

#bettybangz #grannypanties #bigbutt

Ein von Heather Roberts (@heffylooloo) gepostetes Foto am

Blessing my lettuce-wrapped burger with a little #ReversePrayerPose whilst showing off my big butt🙏🏼 #GrannyPanties FTW 〰 For all my pregnant moms & women planning on getting pregnant, know this: „fats found in women’s bottoms and thighs helps develop babies’ brains from day one via breastfeeding…These lipids are critical for a child’s healthy growth and development… In The Better Baby Book, Dr. Lana and I (Dave Asprey- The Bulletproof Diet) wrote about how the woman’s body stores DHA in her fat, which is used preferentially by the fetus.This is one reason that the first child in a family tends to be more intelligent; their mother had more DHA fatty acid built up.“-Dave Asprey …..With that knowledge, don’t be hard on yourself as your butts and thighs grow!! Just make sure you’re eating clean, healthy fats and not high processed, GMO foods. 🍉🍓🍋🍳💟

Ein von NatashaWicks (@natashawicks) gepostetes Foto am

@m_layzell bought me granny panties! 🍓🍓🍓 #grannypanties #lingerie #instadaily #ootd #sothoughtful

Ein von Kris Benton (@luffkrisbenton) gepostetes Foto am