Initiiert wurde die Kampagne mit dem Hashtag Anticyberbullying von der Kosmetikfirma Tarte Cosmetics und der Organisation ByStanderRevolution, die sich gegen Mobbing stark macht.

Mit dem auf den Handrücken gedrückten Kussmund soll eine positive Message in Richtung Akzeptanz und Liebe verbreitet- und auf Cyber-Bullying aufmerksam gemacht werden.

Laut einer Umfrage der Österreichischen Liga für Menschenrechte gab jeder Fünfte der 14- bis 19-jährigen Befragten an, schon einmal Opfer von Cyber-Mobbing gewesen zu sein.

So geht es bei dem Selfie-Trend darum, einem Menschen eine liebevolle Nachricht zu senden und so die Social Media Netzwerke mit positiven und schönen Botschaften zu überfluten.

Und so geht’s:

Markiere eine Person, die dir wichtig ist und der du eine positive Nachricht senden willst. Schreibe eine herzliche Bildunterschrift und poste einen Selfie mit süßem Kussmund auf dem Handrücken. #Anticyberbullying, sowie @tartecosmetics und @bystanderrevolution nicht vergessen!

#kissandmakeup #anticyberbullying #antibullying #tartecosmetics #antibullyingcampaign @tartecosmetics

Ein von Alessa Velveteen (@pas_de_alessa) gepostetes Foto am

As beautiful, personal & interactive as social media is, everyone has experienced cyber-bullying at one time or another. Whether it’s a backhanded compliment, a flat out diss or just a statement that stings a little. We have come to „accept“ that this is the world we live in. But who told us that these are the new standards of living. It’s time to start a new movement. 💋||| I’m proud to partner with @tartecosmetics & @bystanderrevolution to help stop cyber-bullying. We’ve all been victims and it’s time to stop fighting with each other and #kissandmakeup. Let’s spread kind words and compliments instead of tearing someone apart based on their looks. I want to spread positivity and hope you’ll join me. @patrickstarrr I love how beautiful & pure your heart is. You brighten every room you enter and bring out the best sides of the people around you. 😘 Post your own selfie and tag a friend telling them what you love about them! Don’t forget to use #kissandmakeup and @tartecosmetics will repost throughout the week! |||| 📷 by @copaceticwanderer ❤️🙌🏽

Ein von Denise (@makeupbydenise) gepostetes Foto am

As few of you know, my school years were spent often being bullied by my peers. It was a tough time, from getting my hair super glued to a bus seat, to being spat on, it was not easy. Today, the Internet has opened many doors, but it has also made bullying almost inescapable. 41% of teens say they are victims of cyber bullying. Bullying can Change lives for the worst, cause insecurity, and make it hard to want to live, if we are being honest. It’s time to make it stop. @kathleenelee thank you for always sticking by me and making sure that I had a shoulder to lean on throughout the hard years. That’s why I am joining the peeps @tartecosmetics and @bystanderrevolution to #kissandmakeup in an effort to raise awareness and help those who are victims of bullying become emotionally secure and overcome. Let’s show our support for them and continue to show them that life gets better!! Much much better!!

Ein von Ash Marie Rose ( gepostetes Foto am

Spread some love and compliment the person above you in the comments section! 💋 @wakeupandmakeup #kissandmakeup #anticyberbullying

Ein von Tarte Cosmetics (@tartecosmetics) gepostetes Foto am

‚Cause we all know what is like to be in front of the screen #anticyberbullying #kissandmakeup

Ein von Marta Sierra (@martasierra12) gepostetes Foto am