Hier kannst du deinem Ex anonym eine Nachricht schicken

Da war doch noch was …
Egal, wie und warum unsere letzte Beziehung in die Brüche gegangen ist, so manches bleibt am Ende einer Liebe wohl immer ungesagt. Das weiß auch Sean Peter Drohan, der aus genau diesem Grund pünktlich zum Valentinstag ein öffentliches GoogleDoc mit dem Titel „Things I Wanna Text My Ex Today“ erstellt hat.
„Es gibt unzählige Dinge, die ich gerne meinen Exfreundinnen sagen würde und zu viel habe ich ihnen bereits gesagt“, beschreibt der New Yorker seine Beweggründe für das Dokument im Interview mit Refinery29. Recht hat er! Schließlich und endlich tut es manchmal einfach nur gut noch ein bisschen Dampf und aufgestaute Aggressionen abzulassen – ohne den Expartner Jahre später noch mit solchen Altlasten zu verletzen oder zu verwirren.
Hunderte Menschen dieser Welt haben Seans anonyme Plattform bereits genützt, um teils sentimentale, teils hundsgemeine Nachrichten an ihren Ex ins Nichts zu schicken. Die Lektüre treibt uns die Tränen in die Augen. Manchmal vor Lachen, manchmal vor Weinen. Hier eine Auswahl:
„I’m so sorry. I wish I had fallen in love with you!“
„I’m so sorry. I wish I had fallen in love with you!“
„Did you know I’m your biggest fan?“
„Did you know I’m your biggest fan?“
„Your dog deserves better.“
„Your dog deserves better.“
„You always tell me our love was right person wrong time. Why can’t we be the right time now?“
„You always tell me our love was right person wrong time. Why can’t we be the right time now?“
„Even though you used me, I still wish we could talk things out and have a mature conversation about what happened. You shut off and became a different person right before we broke up, and have been that way ever since. I wish you would act like the person I met and dated in the beginning. I also wish you would show any sign that you actually cared about me at all, instead of writing songs about nobody but him.“
„Even though you used me, I still wish we could talk things out and have a mature conversation about what happened. You shut off and became a different person right before we broke up, and have been that way ever since. I wish you would act like the person I met and dated in the beginning. I also wish you would show any sign that you actually cared about me at all, instead of writing songs about nobody but him.“
„I still miss you. I still think about you everyday. Sometimes I think I still love you. But I also hope you rot in hell and get deported.“
„I still miss you. I still think about you everyday. Sometimes I think I still love you. But I also hope you rot in hell and get deported.“
„I still wish you well even though you were cheating on me almost every night you lying, cheating, son of a bitch. Also i miss you. Which sucks for me, actually – i don’t miss your abuse; I miss when you were good – – probably the illusion of good in my head. Oh and you’re D aint the biggest. Had bigger. Anyway I still wish you are good.“
„I still wish you well even though you were cheating on me almost every night you lying, cheating, son of a bitch. Also i miss you. Which sucks for me, actually – i don’t miss your abuse; I miss when you were good – – probably the illusion of good in my head. Oh and you’re D aint the biggest. Had bigger. Anyway I still wish you are good.“
„Breaking up with you was a mistake. Youre the best thing that ever happened to me, and I need you back in my life.“
„Breaking up with you was a mistake. Youre the best thing that ever happened to me, and I need you back in my life.“
„I still have your dog.“
„I still have your dog.“
„I’m not going to give you the satisfaction of a text. I am too strong for that and you don’t deserve me or my text. I’m just hoping someday karma will do my dirty work.“
„I’m not going to give you the satisfaction of a text. I am too strong for that and you don’t deserve me or my text. I’m just hoping someday karma will do my dirty work.“